Oral surgery is often a necessary type of treatment designed to help alleviate or prevent complex dental problems. At Lovett Dental Katy, we work closely with our patients to ensure they have access to the best level of care possible. In some cases, surgery is the best choice. If you believe you need this type of procedure, contact us to learn more about your options.

What Type of Oral Surgery Do You Need?

oral surgery proceduresOral surgery is never the first step in treatment. It is done when other options are not effective at providing the treatment you need. Our dental team offers a wide range of surgical procedures to address most needs. If you have been told you need any type of functional or anesthetic conditions treated, including for the skin, bone, and muscle of your mouth, jaw, or face, you can depend on Lovett Dental Katy to help you.

We can help you with a number of oral surgical procedures you need done. Some of the surgical procedures that we offer include:

  • Impacted tooth extractions
  • Wisdom teeth removal
  • Exposure-impacted tooth procedures
  • Dental implant procedures
  • Bone grafting procedures
  • Tongue-tie and diastemas treatment
  • Prosthetic surgery and planning

Often, your general dentistry team will recommend that you see a specialist for these types of conditions. We are here to help you through them all. We have specialists that can help you get everything done for you.

Why Trust Us with Your Oral Surgery Needs?

Oral surgery is one of the most invasive and most detailed types of dental treatments a person may need. We take this very seriously. That is why we have only the very best oral and maxillofacial surgeons working for us.

To become an oral surgeon, a person must complete and graduate four years of dental school. He or she then spends time working in a hospital residency program for several years. The surgeon works alongside those performing general surgeries, emergency surgeries, and anesthesia-related treatments. This is then complimented with a focused area of hands-on learning with otolaryngology, the study of the ear, nose, and throat, as well as treatment in plastic surgery. This allows our surgeons to provide the very best level of experience to meet your needs.

What Happens If You Need Oral Surgery?

If you have been recommended for oral surgery, our dental team will talk to you about what steps are necessary. There may be some pre-planning, blood work, and other steps to ensure you are healthy enough for surgery. Then, we will talk to you about exactly what will happen on the day of the procedure. We will give you care instructions for before, during, and after.

One area many of our clients need more information on is sedation and anesthesia. We do provide sedation dentistry services for mild to moderate types of procedures. In those cases where general anesthesia or IV sedation is beneficial, we will discuss with you the benefits and risks.

Also, know we have the ability to handle any type of procedure and the complications from it. This includes providing emergency treatment services should complications arise during your procedure.

Seek the Dental Care You Need at Lovett Dental Katy

In addition to surgical services, Lovett Dental Katy has a number of other services to help you take care of your teeth. Some of these services include:

For oral surgery or other types of advanced dental care, turn to Lovett Dental Katy. Our experienced and trusted team is here to help you. Call 832-437-6477, or contact us online to schedule a consultation or exam in preparation for your surgery.